Everybody さあ声上げろ (Let's go! put your hands up!) Are you ready? ブチかまそう (Come with me right now) メリハリ効かせてくれ (Don't stop.Are you ready fight?) 負けるな生存競争 (Give you a Chance!) Rock the party 生き残れよ (Hands up! one more time) Like a dream まだいけんの? (Everybody dance!) 止まればここで終わり (My world. Never never stop) 何度も足掻きまくれ (This is the UB ROCK)
Everybody ボリューム上げて (Fly high! we are on fire) Are you ready? 騒ぎ明かせ (Let me here your voice) 例外?だからなんなの (Speed up! make some noise) 従え生存本能 (Get to the top!) Rock the best かき鳴らそう (Here we go! just follow us) Don't you think? 感じるまま (Everybody moving) あの頃思い出して (Like this remember tune) 逆境は明日への糧 (Only one UB ROCK)
大切な人を守るために 闘い続けろ Keep on dancing to be ALIVE!
Survive this world しがみついて Survive this world ここじゃないと Survive this world 輝けない Survive this world 生存暴走 Survive this world 傷だらけで Survive this world 悔しくても Survive this world やめたくない Survive this world ならば叫べ!
Rock the party 生き残れよ (Hands up! one more time) Like a dream まだいけんの? (Everybody dance!) 止まればここで終わり (My world. Never never stop) 何度も足掻きまくれ (This is the UB ROCK)