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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
Stop! In the Name of Love
作詞 E.Holland/L.Dozier/B.Holland/MARC 
作曲 E.Holland/L.Dozier/B.Holland
quelque part entre minuit et I'aube
Je te voyais flotter dans mon reve

et un soupir entre tes levres

ballottee par la brise d'automne
hypnotysee par cette flamme d'amour
dans cette ombre de tristesse
telle une feuille morte

sous cette lune blafarde
tes larmes inondent mon coeur fragile
et dans ce ciel sans nuages
tous mes sourires etaient inutiles

a plat ventre,les yeux clos
esperant malgre tout
c'est a peine si je t'endendais
trop timide pour pouvoir te dire

quelque part entre minuit et I'aube
je te voyais flotter dans mon reve
avec un sourire un peu tremblant

Baby,baby,I'm aware of where you go
Each time you leave my door
I watch you walk down the street
Knowing your other love you'll meet

This time before'you run to her
Leaving me alone and hurt
After I've been good to you
After I've been sweet to you

Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Think it over, think it over,
think it over, think it over...

When the world outside of you
seems to go too fast for you
Then stop to rest,take a deen breath
and melt into this flow of life

Don't lose your presence of mind
Whatever may happen
Even the red sky turns to grey
You have to fly

I see you crying in the rain
Putting your head on the line
Your love to me can be a strain
How can I ease your pain.....

Following the morning star
I'm passing you by
leaving you in your delusions
our love never die

When the world outside of you
seems to go too fast for you

Then stop to rest,take a deep breath
and melt into this flow of life

our love never die
together we'll reach the sky

I've known of your, your secret nights
I've even seen her maybe once or twice
But is her sweet expression
Worth more than my love and affection?

This time before you leave my arms
And rush off to her charms
Haven't I been good to you?
Haven't I been sweet to you?

Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Think it over, think it over,
think it over, think it over...

Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Think it over, think it over,
think it over, think it over...

Stop! in the name of love
Before you break my heart...

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
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globeさん『Stop! In the Name of Love』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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