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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:7回 リリース日:2024年1月31日
作詞 丁 
You are not alone
Open your eyes
That's the way
You'll be fine
All of us are here now
You're something special
Please just relax,and move forward

Because you are here now
The world is so beautiful
This place is full of light
You had countless nights of tears
But you walked all the way here
If it's dark we'll be your light
You see the end of this road is crystal clear

The sound of water drops echoing
The leaves in the wind are dancing

You close your eyes and take a breath
And suddenly,you feel a sense of peace
That you haven't felt in a long time

It's just a normal,ordinary day
It's still full of wonder and magic
The simple things in life
you'll stand tall

You'll rise again
You are not alone
Open your heart
And you'll know

That you're loved
That you're strong
And you'll find where you belong

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